We have made some updates on Casey’s main webpage- caseybarnes.org. We will leave this blog up for anyone that may have saved links to direct posts, but all future posts will be done within Casey’s page. All of the past post have been copied to her page as well.

Swimming Pools & Movie Stars…
A few weeks ago we were asked to be part of a pretty cool project. There is a new website going up for families like ours (with kids that have special needs). This website is all about support for parents, and not so focused on diagnosis and medical details. The website uses videos to share …

Summer is Finally Here!
The weather has been crazy this year. I know we needed the rain, but I was starting the wonder if it was ever going to stop. Usually by this time of year we have had multiple 100+ degree days, everyone is either tan or burned, no one wants to get in their car if it …

Medical Stuff
Disclaimer:This post is for those that like to read about science and medicine and want to know more about what is going on with Casey medically- as opposed to our normal social or general updates. If you like to read the medical stuff, read on. If you are bored with this type of detail you …

Rough Few Weeks
It has been a long, rough few weeks around here. One of our night nurses that was working 5 nights a week was not working out. Early May we decided to let her go. The agency we use sent out a couple of nurses, but none that worked out. Luckily our other night nurse has …

Casey’s 9th Birthday Party
On Saturday, April 25th, Casey had a fun birthday party in the park. A bunch of her friends came and we had a pavilion all to ourselves. The kids played games, a clown came to paint faces & make balloon shapes, and we of course had cake. It was really hot that day. When we …

Easter, Ponies and More…
Wednesday night after the nurse came in Tim and I both crashed into bed. It felt like it had been such a long week, then we were reminded it was only Wednesday!!! We have been going nonstop since our last post. Some good, some not so good, some medical, really it has been some of …

Spring Break
Last week was Spring Break. Casey wasn’t feeling well for most of the week. We did a more accurate culture on her respiratory issues and started some new medications last week. She is getting an antibiotic as well as an inhaled antibiotic to try to help get this crud out of her lungs and her …

Mommy’s Day Off
I occasionally take a few hours here and there for myself. I may grab a long lunch with some girlfriends, catch a movie, get my hair done, I have even been able to join friends for the rare evening out a couple of time. Usually I am gone for a few hours at the most. …

Tiny Dancer
Casey had her 3rd dance recital on Sunday. I can’t believe she has been my little dancing princess for 3 years now. I can’t believe she is turning 9 this April either! The time has gone way too fast. Last year the dance recital was kind of a disaster. Casey was not doing well and …