I use the motto ‘Do it for her…” quite a bit. I actually stole it from my all time favorite Simpsons episode “And Maggie Makes Three”. I adopted as my motto since everything I do I do for Casey. I have been talking about wanting to do a tribute tattoo for Casey for years. I told Tim that I was going to give it to myself for my 40th birthday.
I always expected Casey to be there when I turned 40 and to come home and show her the tattoo in her honor. After she passed I decided I didn’t want to wait for 40 anymore, I wanted to go ahead and get it done.
I saw a girl with a tattoo that I really liked and she sent me to her guy that I felt totally heard me and understood what I was looking for. I am NO artists, so I really relied on him to come up with the actual image.
Yesterday I took a friend with and we spent a few hours at the tattoo parlor. I did it all for her, and I think it she would love it.