As everyone that knows Casey knows, she was a HUGE ‘My Little Pony Friendship is Magic’ fan (MLP). She may have even been the number 1 fan. MLP has a special event happening tomorrow, July 30th. It is Friendship day! There are a few things that MLP suggest people do to help celebrate. We LOVE …
5K for Casey
There is a group here in town called sMiles 4 Sammy. They are the group we have partnered with the past couple of years to host the special angel ornament event and they do a lot for families like ours. Their annual fundraiser was last weekend. They had an auction on Friday night at their …
Mourning, Mornings and Joy
2 months, 1 week and 2 days ago my world ended. I have been doing my best to get up and do something productive every day, but it’s so hard. Many days all I want to do is lay on the couch or stay in bed and just cry. I know that would be the …
Casey’s Circle
We have been talking about it for years, but we have finally made some real progress in setting up a nonprofit in Casey’s name. We rolled out the new logo and website yesterday and we are well into the process of filing the official nonprofit paperwork. All of the tools that we have built over …
An Ending Full of Hope
Over the past ten years I have told Casey’s story more times than I could possibly count. Depending on the audience and time I have to share I may focus on different points of her story, but regardless I always ended the same way “No one knows what the future holds for Casey. Only time …
Casey’s Birthday Balloon Release
Thank you so much to everyone that helped us make Casey’s first birthday in heaven extra special. We were so touched by all of the people that participated and sent us pictures and videos. We know some of you participated, but were not able to get pictures, and we appreciate all of you as well. …
10 Years
I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to make it through the day yesterday. It was Casey’s 10th birthday and her first birthday in heaven. Casey always loved her birthday and balloons. We couldn’t celebrate her birthday without including balloons. I would plan her parties for months and look forward to her …
Do it for her…
I use the motto ‘Do it for her…” quite a bit. I actually stole it from my all time favorite Simpsons episode “And Maggie Makes Three”. I adopted as my motto since everything I do I do for Casey. I have been talking about wanting to do a tribute tattoo for Casey for years. I …