Product Reviews

Read and Share reviews on medical equipment and any special needs products. For parents by parents. These reviews are a great place to start before committing to a high cost medical item, even if insurance covers it. When you can only replace the item once every few years you want to be sure you get the best product for your child’s needs. Continue…


Home Modifications

Get and share ideas, pictures, contractors and more to help make your home more accessible for your child. A modification can be anything from adding a lock to a cabinet, labeling storage bins all the way to full remodel projects. See what other families have tried and hopefully you can use some of these ideas to make your own life a little easier. Continue…


Medical Form Template

We all get the same forms at every doctor visit, hospital stay, etc. There is never enough room for your full history, all the medications, specialists, etc. Say goodbye to all the hassle with medical forms. Use this template to collect all of your information (while at home and it’s handy). Print out a few copies and keep them in your go bag, or glove box. Doctors and nurses will love you for this! Continue…

Enjoy Texas

If you live and Texas and want to get out and about with your child, be sure to check out this tool. Other parents share their tips and opinions on different locations, activities, etc. You can find out about restrooms, parking, accessibility, friendliness of staff (inclusion), cost, hours of operation and much more. A must have tool for any active family in Texas. Continue…
