Many of you know that I partnered up with another mom from Ohio a few years ago to run a support organization for mother’s of children with special needs, Mommies of Miracles- MOM. I am very proud of all of the work that was accomplished over this time. I have put a lot of my time, sweat, and energy into making MOM what it is today. It has been an honor to be part of so many families lives and to know that my work (as well as the work of my partner and other MOM volunteers) has helped make their struggles a little easier.
The past year has been very hard for me personally. Casey has presented a lot of new medical issues that we have had to adjust, and we have had a really hard time with consistent nursing (especially night nurses). When we do not have a nurse I am not able to do anything other than just keep Casey safe and comfortable. This has meant that I have not had time to work on MOM along with many other things that have not gotten the attention I would have liked to have given them.
After a lot of soul searching and talking with Tim I have decided it is time to make a change. My heart and focus is no longer in MOM. I know that I still want to be active in the special needs community, but I am not sure what specifically I want to do next. We will likely do something on our own, and most likely it will be local. We still plan to host the special needs holiday events this year and already have the plans well under way.
I am very sad to be making such a huge change. I am optimistic about what the future holds for me though. As we make plans and move forward we will share all of the details here. We hope to have some ideas and direction early 2016- stay tuned!