Casey loves Halloween. She wore her Tinkerbell costume to school yesterday. Her teacher brought in 2 of her puppies and dressed them up as well. After school Casey went to trick-or-treat at all of her doctor’s offices. They were all very excited to see her. She had a great time. On our way home from visiting all of her doctors we stopped by my grandparents (her great grandparents) for a short visit. Casey was about to crash by the time we got there so we could not stay long.
After taking a good nap Casey was ready for round 2. We got back into her costume and went trick-or-treating to a few houses in the neighborhood. I was happy to see that there were a few that registered with CLU as homes with non-food treats. Hopefully as this catches on even more homes will think about kids like Casey when getting ready for trick-or-treaters.
Casey was so proud of her Halloween treats. We got home and she snuggled with Daddy while I handed out stickers and toys. When she went to bed there was no fighting at all, she went straight to sleep and slept hard all night. Tinkerbell was exhausted 🙂 It was pretty cute, the glitter on the wings kept shedding. It was like she was leaving a little pixie dust trail behind her.
Rather than just uploading a picture from yesterday, I thought I would show you all how much Casey has grown. Here are Halloween pictures for each year…