Father’s Day

Casey started to look a little better Monday and even better on Tuesday.  By Wednesday she was doing well enough to meet some of her friends for an arts and crafts play date.  They made crafts for their dads with Father’s Day coming up.  Sadly, Tim is not going to be home for Father’s Day.  …


I made it to Pittsburgh!  It has been a long time since I have gone anywhere and 2 nights away from Casey is the most I have ever done.  This trip is actually pretty exciting for me.  When I merged CLU with MOM a while back I have a business partner now, Anita.  We have …

May Wrap-up

A lot has happened since our last post.  I started to write one big update on everything and realized it was a bit too long.  Instead I am going to break things up into a few posts. Toward the end of May Casey had some signs of a possible urinary type infection (this was new …

Casey’s Super Fun Weekend

Casey has had a wonderful long weekend.  Thursday got off to a rocky start, but we made it to water therapy around lunch time and that seemed to turn things around.  Her PT is going to teach Tim and I how to do as much of the water therapy exercises as we can so that …


It seems like we have been going nonstop for a few weeks now.  All good stuff, but just nonstop.  We have been spending as much time out back and in the pool as weather allows.  Casey had a nasty ear infection last week so she had to resort to just putting her feet in, but …

The Pool is Done

We were just a few days past Casey’s birthday to fill up the pool.  We are all loving it.  Casey has gone out almost everyday for at least a little while.  Its still a little chilly so she is happier putting her feet in and sitting around the pool right now than actually swimming.  I …

Casey Turns 8

Casey has had a fun week celebrating her 8th birthday.  On Wednesday she had to start her day with a trip to see a new specialist.  It was not the best way to start her birthday.  She let her nurse and I know that she had other plans.  After leaving there we had to get …

Fun Stuff

Casey had a fun and busy Saturday.  She started with an Easter egg hunt at the local accessible playground.  She missed it last year since she was in the hospital for her surgery.  She went the year before and had a great time.  It was pretty chilly and windy Saturday, but she wanted to go.  …

Nursing- Again :(

I can not tell you how often I fantasize about being able to put Casey to bed and then just going to bed myself.  Or being able to throw her into the car and head out to run errands with her in tow.  It seems like such simple things that so many people take for …


March flew by, I am not sure how that happened so fast.  Casey is doing okay.  She had a rough time in the middle of March with some respiratory stuff that led to having her on and off oxygen for a couple of weeks.  Nothing serious though, so we were able to avoid the hospital.  …